Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Praying for our Campers-Day 4

You will show forth the praises of God who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light. Psalm 90:14

We praise you God that you are the Light and the Way.  Tonight as our campers and leaders sleep I pray you would prepare them for tomorrow. In ways only you can communicate, will you call them out of darkness into Your marvelous light.  Make them ready, prepare their hearts,  show them how to show forth your praises.  We pray for a good solid night's sleep and rest for their bodies and minds that tomorrow would bear fruit in their lives.  

Thank you for your good design and the way that night follows day.  Thank you for your consistency and your plan that all should know you and none should perish.  We pray for kids at camp to meet you personally and understand their purpose on earth to glorify you.  We pray for the leaders to feel your glory as they follow you and share their own testimonies with those around them.  

Bless them all in Jesus name,

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