Monday, November 22, 2010

Testimony - Noelle Saar

This summer I was a volunteer staff member at a Young Life camp in Colorado, Crooked Creek Ranch. Every week a new set of campers came. For the three weeks I worked there, a new group of Capernaum campers came, and I had the opportunity to hang out with them. A person in particular, Cody, was the first boy I really got to get close with. I heard bits and pieces of his story and where he came from and most of his life had been really rough. I got to see him hear the truth about God and respond to it on the last day of his camping trip. The fact that he understood who God truly was and was able to grasp it was so humbling for me. I have thought so many times that special needs kids maybe don’t really understand God, but through my time working at that camp and with those kids, I realized that I was the one who didn’t understand who God was. I didn’t realize that the Lord is so powerful and mighty and makes himself known to everyone everywhere.
                The second week working there, the next group of Capernaum campers came. This time there was a boy named Raul who came from a really bad home life, but had a faith stronger than most. He was bold and brave, but felt alone. He came up to me one day and said he wanted to talk and that he felt sad. Through talking with him and his leader I was able to lead him to the Lord and pray with him. God was using these kids to teach me more about myself than anyone else could ever have. I see so much life and passion in these kids, and I find so much joy in just being around them. It is easy to hide our brokenness, but with them, their brokenness is exposed. Ephesians 5:8 says, “For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light.” Living as a child of light for me, means to be vulnerable and transparent, just like so many of these kids already are.
                When I came back to California, I learned about Tobias who was trying to start Capernaum here. God was clearly calling me to this ministry. As I have met more and more parents and leaders and volunteers it is clear that God is calling and people are responding. I am so thankful to be part of what is taking place in San Diego, and I know the angels are rejoicing in Heaven over what is being done here! Thank you everyone who has been praying for this team and these kids, and thank you all for financially supporting us! We really wouldn’t be here without you!

Noelle Saar
Volunteer Leader

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Testimony - Ben Nease

I have known Nate since I was in 4th grade but it wasn’t until about three years ago when he became my true friend.  My buddy Josh and I were contacted to drive to Flagstaff Arizona to attend a Young Life Camp (Lost Canyon).  The week our Area Director wanted us to go was during Capernaum week, which is a week for kids with disabilities to come and enjoy all the camp has to offer as well as learn more about Jesus Christ.  Josh was already set on going, and explained that he was going to bring Nate, which seemed to make sense knowing that Nate has Down syndrome.  A week later our journey began.
Anyone who knows Nate, knows that he can be a handful at times.  His love for WWE wrestling can get him into the strangest moods, which can seem impossible to get him out of.  But for most of the trip he seemed to feel at ease.  I learned very quickly that the kids we had come to serve were amazing, and had qualities that I grew to love.  The campers were very accepting and I got so used to the love they showed, that it was awfully unusual if I didn’t receive a hug or high five every two minutes throughout the day.  Getting to hear different stories from these kids and being given the opportunity to connect with them on a deeper level really opened my eyes to see God’s love, and I will always remember my time at camp as the week where I was able to touch God directly.
Colossians 3 verse 23 says, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men,” One of the reasons why doing this type of ministry is so easy, (not that all parts are so effortless), is because I am able to see God through these kids.  So it is not that I am working for men but instead serving the Lord.  So I strongly encourage anyone who is on the fence about getting involved with San Diego Capernaum, whether to give time, money, or prayer, to dive in and the see all the blessings that God has in store for you.  The Lord says in Genesis 27:29, “…May those who curse you be cursed and those who bless you be blessed.”  Nate has blessed me in such a way that I can only hope to give back a fraction of that blessing.                         
I hope everyone is excited for this year and continue to pray for San Diego Capernaum as well as Tobias and the rest of the team!  God bless and thanks for reading!

Ben Nease
Capernaum Volunteer Leader